Corporate Responsibility
At DistIT AB (publ.) and its subsidiaries, quality does not just mean that our products meet or exceed customer expectations. It also means that production will take place under good conditions and that our customers will be satisfied with us as a company. Assuming responsibility for how humans and the environment are affected by our activities is also an important prerequisite in order for all of our subsidiaries to be able to grow with continued good profitability. Here we explain how we achieve this.
Our code of conduct
The aim or objective of this code of conduct is to create a common set of values to work by in conjunction with our suppliers.
DistIT AB (publ.) is a Swedish parent company that aims to acquire, own and develop niche distributors in IT, mobility, consumer home electronics, networking and data communications primarily within the Nordic and Baltic countries. DistIT Group companies will deliver both B2B and B2C products for the IT market in the Nordic region and the surrounding area.
Our customers have high demands and we know that these also include us as a company assuming our full responsibility.
Long-term relationships with stakeholders, good work methods and practices and high standards of business ethics and morals are key success factors for sustained growth and sustainability
The DistIT Code of Conduct is based on the United Nations declaration on Human Rights of 1948, the UN Convention on Children’s Rights, the International Covenant on economic, social and cultural rights of 1966, the ILO (International Labour Organisation) conventions and the other current and relevant international standards concerning human rights and labor.
Factory visits should be carried out on a regular basis by both our staff and also by independent third parties. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that this Code of Conduct is implemented in their business activities. Our suppliers are also required to ensure that all their suppliers, subcontractors, manufacturers and business partners involved in the production of goods and services on behalf of companies in the DistIT Group fully comply with this policy. In addition to the DistIT Code of Conduct, suppliers must comply with national laws and regulations.
Our supplier requirements:
1. Forced labor
Suppliers are not permitted to participate in or benefit from any form of forced labor as penalty labor, slave labor and human trafficking. Workers must enjoy full freedom of movement during their employment. The employer is not permitted to demand workers to deposit their identity documents or provide any form of security.
2. Child labor and young workers
Suppliers are not permitted to participate in or benefit from child labor. No employee should be under 15 years of age (or 14 years where so permitted by national laws).
When allocating work tasks, special consideration shall be given to the age of the employee to not risk causing injuries, risk safety or morals.
3. Non-discrimination
Suppliers shall not participate in or support discrimination based on race, color, gender, language, religion, political opinion, caste, sexual orientation or any other characteristic features.
Employment, financial compensation, benefits, promotion, etc. shall only be based on relevant and objective criteria.
4. Right to be organized
Workers must be fully entitled to join a trade union or organize themselves in other manners in order to negotiate collectively without any interference from the employer. In cases where trade unions are not permitted, or only state run trade unions are available, the supplier should make it easier for workers to organize themselves to discuss work-related problems and opportunities.
5. Health and safety
Suppliers must ensure that employees work in a safe and healthy environment, including but not limited to, protection from fires, accidents and hazardous chemicals. The employer must provide employees with the necessary safety equipment and training in order to be able to perform their work tasks in a safe manner.
Clean drinking water and toilets should be available to all workers. If the company provides accommodation the above shall also apply to this accommodation.
Download PDF document here: Sustainable Developement Policy