Sustainable development and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) are fundamental for DistIT business activities and operations. This is partly due to demand from customers, employees and other third parties and partly because CSR and sustainability issues create new business opportunities for us.
Everything we do affects our immediate surroundings in some way. We are responsible for our business activities and for the impact we have on the environment and on human beings. Our customers have demanding standards and we know that these also include assuming our responsibility as a company. Therefore we have a deliberate environmental policy.
We work purposefully to integrate CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility – or Corporate Responsibility) within our business and as part of our daily activities. This includes responsibility both from an economic, environmental and social perspective, such as work for improved working conditions in supplier factories, ethical issues, the approach to human rights and regarding the environment. These issues are fundamental to all DistIT activities. Companies within the DistIT Group shall be responsible business partners and operate sustainable business based on business ethics, anti-corruption, human rights, working conditions, equality and ethnic diversity as well as use of resources. The ambition is that all companies within the DistIT Group will adapt their operations to this policy wherever possible.
Read more about Environmental Responsibility
Read more about Corporate Responsibility
Download the PDF document here: Sustainable Developement Policy
CSR manager at DistIT AB (publ.) is Mehrdad Motazedi –