Goals & strategy

DistIT AB (publ) with its subsidiaries is a stable and wellestablished distribution group within IT accessories, data communication, consumer electronics, networks and AV products in Europe. Companies within the Group are niche distributors with strong market positions. The companies’ products are aimed at both consumers and companies, and their customers are in consumer electronics chains, online retailers, installers, telecom operators, discount chains, grocery stores and independent specialist retailers. Each subsidiary constitutes its own results centre, with responsibility for its chosen strategy. Common to the companies is a value-creating strategy for own brand labels (OBL) that increases the relevance of customers and creates prerequisites for growth and profitability. DistIT is a reliable business partner with high delivery reliability and service level, guaranteed product quality, and fast deliveries.


Each subsidiary within DistIT Group shall, with Europe as the main market, offer the market’s best range of products within the niches in which the companies operate. Competitive prices, fast deliveries, as well as good service and support, shall be the watchwords.


The DistIT Group’s financial goals for 2025 consist of:
– Revenue SEK 3.5 billion
– Gross margin 25%
– EBIT margin at least 8%
– Accumulated acquisition capacity of SEK 1.5 – 2.0 billion.


The DistIT Group’s growth strategy consists of organic growth, acquisitions, and synergy opportunities.

Organic growth within each company shall be achieved through continuous development of business models, a flexible organisation, and careful analysis of the market’s driving forces.

Acqusitions of new companies shall strengthen the DistIT Group’s offers and position, expand its geographical presence, or supplement the Group’s customer base. Acquired companies must have leadership characterised by expertise and entrepreneurship, good earning capacity, and a proven business model.

Synergy opportunities between the subsidiaries, both cost and market synergies in the DistIT Group, shall be identified and realised when the profit is greater than the coordination costs.